11 Months
Yet another month has flown by and yet again, I can't believe it! The next time I post a month update, we will be celebrating Max's first birthday. I haven't posted a lot of pictures lately, so I thought I would post a few from this past month that make me smile.
I also want to write a few things he's doing these days so I won't forget. He loves to open and shut doors, but cries when he shuts it because he has either shut himself in a room and can't see me, or has shut the door and wants it back open. He loves to point. Not necessarily at anything specific, just points around. He can pick up food now and put it in his mouth (hallelujah) but prefers things with a cracker-like texture. Yesterday, for the first time, he picked up cooked carrots and ate the mess out of them. He also loves opening & shutting cabinets and drawers. This can entertain for several minutes. He is crawling really well and crawls more than scoots. I'll update this list (for my sake) as I think of things.

If you look close in this picture, you can see his teeth. He has 2 on the top and bottom that are all the way in, 2 more coming in on the bottom, and 2 more coming in on the top. It's funny and strange how they're coming in on the top. He has one in the middle and one on the side that are all the way in. I thought it was strange that the 2 middle ones didn't come in first.

This was taken when I was trying desperately to get Max to realize that he could use his hands to get food to his mouth. To all you moms out there, it is NOT, I repeat NOT a good idea to do this using blueberry applesauce (a suggestion from one of his therapist. Yes, I will blame her for my stupidity. She used chocolate pudding, it was my bright idea to try blueberry applesauce.). His face in this picture absolutely cracks me up and I love how his sweet feet are crossed.

Sweet baby. He likes to look out the window and watch his daddy work in the yard in the evenings. He'll sit there and say, "da da da."

This was taken on our 5th anniversary after we had been out to eat. What can I say, the boy loves his daddy and the daddy loves his boy.

This weekend at the reunion there were beautiful places outside that would have been great picture spots. Max turned 11 months on Sunday and as we pulled into the place where we were staying, I told John that we had to do his 11 mon. pics at some of these pretty places. Well, we tried. Max was not having it. I think in this picture he is thinking, "get that camera out of my face, lady." (no, this is not one of the pretty spots, this was just an attempt to get a pic for his 11 mon. bday)

So, we got home from our trip, and because Max was tired, I was tired, and I am completely out of creative ideas for taking pictures around our house, I put him in the same spot he was in for his 10 month picture. And it's not even a good picture.

John doing Max's therapy.