A Few Updates
Max and his girlfriend, Marissa...

...and her competition, his other girlfriend, Zoe.

While Max and I were in TN last weekend I had a few requests for an update, so I figured it was about time I did that. Things have been slower around here lately as far as me having time to get on the computer. I've gone back to work and because of that the computer is the very last thing on my mind. I still get on from time to time and check email and the blogs of the other children, but I don't take the time for much else.
As far as going back to work is concerned, I am very blessed to only have to work part time. I am also VERY blessed to get to stay at my school. Right now I am teaching summer school for a half day every day then I'll teach part time when the school year starts. It has, however, been harder for me than I imagined it would be. Max, oh, Max is fine. I don't think he even realizes or cares that I'm not there. He's happy as a lark. He gets to play with his Pa Pa every day. Me, on the other hand, well, I have become quite the control freak where Max is concerned, really since the day he was born. I do not have a "controlling" type personality in any other area of my life, so I have been surprised that I feel this way about him. I've had many mothers tell me this is normal, but I feel that I am anything but normal. After doing this job of mothering him for 10 months, it has been tough for me mentally to relinquish some of the responsibility of taking care of him. I don't know why, because I am completely confident that he is in GREAT hands with someone who loves him dearly. I don't think I could handle leaving him with someone other than family at this point and I'm blessed that Terry is willing and able to keep him and he comes to our home every day (nearly an hour drive), which is another blessing. All that to say, it's harder on me than Max. Enough about that.
Max is doing something new daily! He has just recently begun to do a little sign language. He knows the signs for "more" (like when he wants more food) and "all done." We've been working on these (plus a few more) since he was about 4 months old when we first started feeding him solids, so it's exciting to see him finally get a few of them. He waves, sounds like he says "by" and "hi" or something like that, points at things, holds his play cell phone or our phones to his ear like he's talking on it, can feed himself, can cruise a little, pulls up on EVERYTHING, says ma ma quite a bit, makes a few hilarious faces that I've got to get pictures of, nearly has 6 teeth, gives great hugs and still lots of kisses, he loves to be around babies and kids, he loves to explore the house, he is crawling really well and crawls more than scoots unless he is on the tile floor. He really is the greatest blessing in the world.
I hope all of you reading this have a very blessed week. Please take the time to check Amy's blog (the link is on the right). She has leukemia and could really use prayers. She usually tells what specific prayer needs she has. She's a little younger than me, 26, I think, and has a son that is 1.
Sounds like Max is way above average and is doing GREAT!!!
I must say that I can TOTALLY relate about becoming a control freak since motherhood has begun. I know she is fine in others care but I get all weird about doing it myself. At times I wish I could have a break but then when I do I don't want one because I feel like I want to be there more to do those mundane things and miss being there. I'm sure I'm not the only one I drive nuts with this annoying new trait! Its nice to hear I'm not the only one who has become this way! Hopefully it will gradually disappear. I have heard that it certainly does when u have more than one child.
Max is such a ladies man! ;)
I know the controlling issues myself. Not only are we first time mothers, but also when you have a child who has been through some really scary situations, you tend to be controlling. When we first brought Gavin home I had a hard time letting anyone hold him, feed him, change him. I wanted to do EVERYTHING! I rarely let my own parents baby-sit. So don’t worry you are not alone!!
Ohhh, I'm so glad you updated. I keep checking all the time. Max looks wonderful!! He's getting so big. I know exactly what you mean about the control issues. Mom doesn't live near me so NO ONE watches my little guy but me and Jason. When mom does come up to visit I have a hard time even running to the post office?!?! Silly I know, I always come back and he's loving GG's company. She's like another kid to play with. Mom has offered to watch my monster while Jason and I go out to dinner and a movie and my stomach does flips just thinking about it. We're all a bunch of nuts. I suppose we'll get better with time!! LOL
Oh, cute pics of Max and the girls! He does love to give kisses. We have to hold him back on Sunday a.m. So sweet!
Love the sweet pictures. It's also fun to see how much Marissa and Zoe have grown... they are adorable. Max will certainly have his hands full with all those pretty girls around him! He sure is growing up fast. We are due for a phone chat! I'll try and call you soon. love you!
I have always been a bit of a control freak and have found it has increased significantly since having kids...I'm more controlling about cleanliness, the company we're with, and any music or t.v. they could possibly hear or watch. And unfortunately I've found the tendency to control only grows stronger as they grow older - SO - pray for wisdom to know what you need to control and the strength to give it to God when you can't or shouldn't control it. Sounds like you're extremely blessed to have a family member take care of lil' Max. He's achieving SO many milestones - how exciting to hear that he's doing so good!! I know you're so very proud of your lil' man!!
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