7 Months
This month has truly gone by with the blink of an eye. I wish that time would go a million times slower than it is. I am enjoying every minute of the stage that Max is in right now. His personality gets cuter by the day (I might be a little biased). He is an extremely relaxed and laid back baby - really pretty easy. People are always asking me if he's always as happy as he seems, and we are really blessed that we can honestly say that most of the time, he is. Some things he is doing:
~getting better at rolling over
~realizing that he can roll over to get closer to a toy
~hugging us when we hold him and clenching on tight to our necks
~a few times he has come at my cheek open-mouthed. I realize he's probably too young to be thinking that he's kissing me, but since I kiss his cheeks all day long, maybe he's caught on to that a bit
~he hides his head in my shoulder when he wants to play peek-a-boo. He'll usually keep it there till I or someone else says, "Where's Max" then he peeks out.
~laughs A LOT!! He gets really tickeled at the smallest thing. Sometimes he gets tickeled at himself and that is the funniest to watch.
~screeches really loudly
~reaches out for people
~watches us when we lay him down to bed and looks so far over his shoulder as we leave the room that it causes him to roll over
~He's very observant of everything around him
~Reaches for everything in sight and is very determined to get what he wants
~Scoots and pulls himself across the floor to get to toys (no where near crawling, only moves in a real small area)
~He always smiles and pays a lot of attention to John when he gets home from work, but yesterday he got really excited and was kicking his legs. His eyes were glued to John until he picked him up. It was like Max was thinking that he and John were about to do something really fun together and Max had been waiting for him all day. It was cute.
~He sits up really, really well and can play sitting up for quite a while.
~He can hold a sippy cup and get it to his mouth. He hasn't figured out how to drink from it yet.
~He is very much a mama's boy and looks for me when someone else has him. As long as I am in his view he doen't really care who holds him.

Today we went to Harding with Candice, her baby Marissa, Bridget and her baby Zoe. I tried to get some pictures of Max on the pretty campus, but he gets so distracted by everything around him that I can no longer get his attention to look at the camera. Today he thought the grass was pretty neat and it must have looked tasty because he tried to eat it.

This is one of his very favorite toys right now. It has a rattle on the inside and he shakes it so it hits the floor and just laughs and laughs.

I didn't realize how big Max was until he was by Zoe and Marissa. I honestly still think of him as being Marissa's size (on the right).

This was a picture of him laughing at himself. I have no idea what got him going, but he was cackling. I tried to get video, but of course as soon as I turned the camera on he was more interested in the red flashing light and quit laughing. If you click on this picture and make it larger you can see his 2 teeth really well (and his green peas from dinner smeared all over his onesie).

He played on the floor by himself tonight for nearly an hour. He started out facing the opposite end and somehow managed to turn himself around to play with the other toys. That's what I meant by him being able to scoot around. We sat and watched him for a good 45 minutes - no t.v. and very little conversation - just totally and completely entertained by this tiny person. I left the room and came back a few minutes later and he had turned back around to play with the toys on the end he started with. I had to do tricks just to get him to lift his head for this picture. I was just barely more entertaining than his toys.
Kel- I am so happy to read some awesome things about Max! He seems to be growing as any other healthy baby-praise God! I will continue to pray for him. He really is such a cutie-Matt and I just giggle at his pictures-his smile always brings a smile to our face! So sweet! I also love seeing Candice and Bridget and their little girls-so sweet! Tell them Hi!
Love Mer
Max is so amazing! He just radiates! I love watching him grow and do new things. It's funny because once you become parents, your children are far more entertaining than t.v. ever thought about being. We love you guys! Love, Shauri
Great pictures! It is so good to hear about all that Max is doing and how happy he is. What a blessing this little person is and will continue to be. Once they get hold of your heart, they never let go. Enjoy!!
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
Hey Kel! We just got back from Disney. Tori was a trooper. She loved it. I love your pics. It is good to see Candice and Bridget since they are anti bloggers:) I'm coming to Searcy in April, so we all need to get together. I will email you the details. I can't wait to meet baby Max.
Omigosh - Shauri is so right about our kids being more entertaining then t.v. and that's a good thing because who has time for it anymore?! :) Max is growing SO much and I'm just amazed at how God is working in his life - by looking at his pictures and hearing you talk about his personality, nobody would ever guess the health problems he has battled over the past 7 months. What a blessing it is to see his sweet face and to read your posts describing all of the new things he's doing - God is good!!
Those cheeks! I love them!
ummm, I just read the list of all he's doing and all I have to say is, "who says girls do things faster?!?!?!" I think he may be ahead of Jessi! She can roll over and stuff and sit up for a while, and reach for stuff.... but also NOT crawling! I am sooooo happy you don't let those people discourage you about what he should be doing! He'll do everything when he's ready! Love u, Kimberly
I have a new blog and it is actually updated... I love Max. He is so cute and I can't wait to see him again. Nice Harding swing picture too!!!
I have a new blog and it is actually updated... I love Max. He is so cute and I can't wait to see him again. Nice Harding swing picture too!!!
Okay Girls...I'm at the office on Thursdays....NEXT TIME...I better be seeing some little sweeties, yeah, the moms can come too....enjoy every second with yours and your friend's together
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