A special visit and new things
John's aunt and uncle came for a visit this weekend. They happened to be in town when Max was first transferred to the NICU, so they caught a brief glimpse of him then but haven't seen him since. Max was completely relaxed with them and enjoyed being loved on and held by them. They brought him a cute stuffed Easter Bunny whose ears flop up and down and he sings and it has brought many laughs to our little boy. Here are a few pictues...

Uncle Gerald must have had the touch because Max doesn't lean back in many people's arms like that. Most of the time he wants to be sitting straight up.

Uncle Gerald is extremely talented in making things out of wood and he made the shelf in this picture. I have 2 others in my house that he made and I love them.

Having fun with Aunt Marilyn.
Max has a new fascination - his feet and toes. Apparantly they look and taste like candy.

Another First - Max is mobile...kinda. He is rolling from his back to tummy. This was very slow-going at first, but he is a champ at doing it now. We will have to watch him super close now - he would have rolled right off the changing table at church this morning if I hadn't been standing there. No more leaving him on the bed for just a second. I have a few videos of this, but no pictures, not that you could really tell in a picture what he was doing anyway.
Quick Medical Update - His last download from his monitor came back normal! This is the first time he's had a normal reading, so that was fantastic news. This means that we will likely be getting rid of the monitor soon. I have some mixed emotions about this - yes, I am tired of getting wrapped up in the cords and tripping on them, but I feel so secure at night knowing that he's breathing. (I won't miss all the false alarms that have me running frantically to his room in the middle of the night AT ALL!!!) I imagine I won't sleep well for awhile. Luckily, my mom bought me a great monitor before Max was born that goes under his mattress that is supposed to be sensitive enough to alert you if your child stops breathing, so that gives me some comfort.
That is great news about the monitor! He looks like such a happy baby with that huge smile:) I love the picture of him eating his feet...too cute!
Max is doing so great. he is so cute. We will praying for y'all.
I know ya'll are thrilled to get a good enough report to no longer need the monitor - what a blessing to know he's getting stronger and stronger! Glad you guys enjoyed your visit with John's aunt and uncle - family is such a blessing!!
That's wonderful news about Max's progress! We have one of those monitors that goes under the mattress and lets you know if they are breathing or not. I kinda had a hang up on what if she gets caught under a blanket or SIDS, or other stuff so we got one as well and that helps me sleep comfortably everynight knowing that it will sound if she should ever stop breathing. The only thing is I forget to turn it off when I pick her up and have to run back in to turn the alarm off but it eases my mind and helps me get more sleep. Hope it will give you some peace as well. With all these latest gadgets and technology I often wonder how mothers did it even 30 years ago?
Great pictures. I know Marilyn and Gerald are pleased that you included them. Max was so sweet last night when we kept him. He is getting more handsome every day.
Love to you all,
So thankful to hear that his reading was normal on the monitor. Also,I enjoyed the pictures!
Love, Aunt Dana
Max is so adorable. He is growing so fast. I was excited to hear about the good report. I know you are too!
Marilyn called us and was so excited about getting to see you all. She talked about what a good baby Max is and how handsome he is. They both really enjoyed the visit.
Great news about the monitor. God is with you and is healing Max still! How absolutely awesome!!!
We can't wait to see you all, but especially that sweet Max.
Have a blessed week!!
Our love,
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
We so enjoyed seeing you all last Sat. Max is just precious, and such a good baby. Be careful on your trip to TN. We will be thinking of your family and especially your Grandfather. Love, Aunt Marilyn
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