First Time with a Sippy Cup
I realize most people do not care that this is his first time with a sippy cup. I'm posting about it mostly so that I'll remember what day it was. He really doesn't drink from it yet, just chews on the lid. He's pretty good about getting it to his mouth, though. He is quite the messy eater, so you can see his food smeared all over his face and bib in some of these pics.
awww yay i was so excited to see these pics :)me, megan, and cassidy are all ooing and ahhing over them. i can't believe he's already drinking out of a sippy cup, how precious. i can't wait to keep him thursday :) love you!! give him kisses for me!
You make my day with the wonderful pictures and comments. Max is a beautiful child and you are the mom of the year. Thank you. Polly
I love these. I'm very interested in seeing him with the sippy cup. What a sweetheart. He looks so "big" with the cup. I would love to be with him.
Nanny Di
I am so impressed! That's a hard skill, especially at 6 months! I don't think Jace started his sippy cup until he was a year old. I am so proud of all Max's progress. He is so precious and his little smile just lights up the room. Take care and talk to you soon. Love you all, Shauri
His hair is getting so cute. It is so nice when it starts to thicken up and grow :)
Those are awesome pictures. I am so happy about his progress. God is so Good.
I so wish we lived closer because Max & Adalie are so close with everything it is so weird! We have so much in common! You would never guess anything was ever any different for him at birth because not only is he so cute but he is so smart and talented! Adalie had her first experience with her sippy cup here recently, too and wasn't too successful either. Maybe she needs to take a few lessons from Max. I'm sure it won't be long till they are off bottles and out of diapers and we are longing for these sweet firsts all over again.
What a doll! I love all the pictures! I was behind looking at the Blog b/c of being at the hospital with Grandad. I am seeing you in him more and more! I have our old scapebooks out trying to match up his pictures with yours! We have pictures of him along with Annie, Daniel and other family members on the wall in Grandad's hospital room. He loves showing off his babies and sauys he needs to get better "for them". I'm sure looking forward to when we can see all of you again!
Love, GranGran
WOW! Max is ahead of the game with his sippy cup - Rauly was at least 10 months before she was successfully getting it to her mouth without help and drinking! He is doing SO SO good!!!
i am so proud of my sweet nephew!!! he looks like such a big boy in these pictures! i am a big believer in introducing the sippy cup early! he looks like he is getting the hang of it!! Max is so blessed to have you as his mommy, Kelly. You amaze me by your strength. I am so thankful that we are able to share our joys and trials of motherhood together!
love you, your big sis!
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