The heart/apnea monitor is now a thing of the past. The lady came to pick it up today and I signed off on it as being no longer needed. Please pray that we'll have peace when he sleeps at night.
My granddad isn't doing well. Max and I will probably head to Nashville to see him in the morning and John may be coming soon, too. Please pray for my family, especially my mom and her brother, during this tough time and please pray for safe travels. My sisters live 4 and 6 hours away and my cousins live in Michigan, which is a good 10-12 hour trip. Both my sisters and my mom have had wrecks in the last month (none of us has ever had a wreck) - they say these things happen in 3's so hopefully no more troubles on the road. And again, traveling without the monitor for 7 hours makes me nervous, so please pray for that as well. I'll update when I can.
Glad the monitor is off. He is so fiesty. I love to watch him now.
I know this is a sad time for you and your family, especially your Mother. Having lost both my Mom and Dad was very difficult for my brother and sisters and me. Be careful and let me know if we need to do anything for you or your family.
We'll be praying for you and your family. I just lost my grandfather in January and I know how difficult it can be on everyone.
I'm so glad that Max doesn't have to wear his monitor anymore. What a blessing!
Please let us know if we can do anything for you guys.
Love, Shauri
We are praying.
I hope you have a safe trip to TN, and we will definitely keep you and your family in our prayers. Grandparents make such wonderful moments in our lives, it's hard to lose them...but what great memories they leave.
We will be praying for your safe travel and especially for your family during your grandfather's illness. It really hurts our human hearts when someone that we love is suffering, doesn't it? We will pray that you can feel God's presence in your travels and during the time that you get to spend with your grandfather.
We love you,
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
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