I must admit, sometimes I have wondered if I had been a better person, prayed more, read my bible more, would Max have been born without all the problems he had. Well, I was reading baby Ethan's website this morning and there is a song on there that his aunt wrote and scripture that goes along with it. I really like what is says and if you have time you might like to listen to the song. I don't have any idea how to link the song onto my site. Here's the verse:
John 9:1-3
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."
Here's a new picture of Max sitting and playing...something that doctors weren't sure he'd be able to do. Thank you, God.

Kel your post gave me chills. I have listened to that song on Ethan's website and it is really good. I'm glad you came across it. I don't doubt that so many others will be brought closer to God because of Max's life. I love you!
Maggie,my great,great niece was born with many problems. They loved her to life, and she is now 2, a happy child with an an adoring family. Your life and Max's have been a testimony to faith and the power of God. you have given much and no one deserves happiness more than you. Max is a blessing. Polly
This just makes me cry!!! I have always had the same feeling... "what did I do wrong? why am I being punished? why does my child have to suffer because of something I did?" But this scripture puts everything I said to rest. We have been able to use Gavins condition and amazing progress to witness to others about God. I wouldnt change a thing about my life in the past 5 months. Thanks for sharing this!
Oh and BTW, you have been a great witness to others, even those you have never met! ;)
I'm so thankful to God that Max has made such tremendous progress. I pray that he continues to hold Max as he guides him through these milestones. Max is such a wonderful little boy and he couldn't be loved more! Love, Shauri
I am so sorry that you have had feelings of guilt. I'm sure that God never intended that to happen and I am praying that you are cleansed of that guilt now. Be free to enjoy that precious boy of yours. I loved the song! Some people are so gifted in creating things that will bless others. Praise God for that!!!! Hope that your weekend is a wonderful one!!!
Aunt Frances and Uncle Bill
I peeked at Max's pictures - they are adorable. I pray that Max will continue to develop and prove the doctors wrong!!! The work of God HAS definitely been displayed in Max's (& yours and John's)life. I also enjoyed seeing the pictures of Marilyn & Gerald with Max. I have similar pictures of myself with them (many, many years ago). May you have a blessed week!
Paula Johnson
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