Prayers Needed
**I just read Harper's latest entry. (Those of you from Maple Hill, she is Steve Hawley's niece.) She is in very critical condition. You can click on her link for the specific prayer requests her parents have listed and for more detailed info.
I wanted to post real quick about 2 families that need prayers. The first one is a woman I recently found out about, I think in her 20's, named Amy. She was diagnosed with Leukemia last summer. She was doing much better for awhile, but it recently came back and on Feb. 23 her doctors gave her 2 months to live. She is married and has a son, I think around the age of 1. I have added a link to her blog on the right side of my blog. She has an unwavering faith and an incredible amount of strength. The other is a family from my parents church. The parents are named Bill and Lisa. They are pregnant and recently had their 20 week ultrasound. They found out their baby has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (the same condition baby Gavin has). Their blog has not been created yet, but I added their name under the children needing prayer. I believe they will be creating a blog and I will add the link as soon as I get it. Thanks!

Amy, her husband and son
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We will be praying for both families. Please feel free to give Bill and Lisa our email address. We would love to talk with them. Or if you have theirs, I would be happy to email them to let them know we are here for them. Thanks!
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