1 Year Old!! (Part 1)

Today is Max's 1st birthday! I can't believe it. The past year has truly flown by and all the things that happened just one year ago still feel like yesterday to me.

Now that Max is one, here are a few things I want to remember about this age. He is:
*eating almost anything we put in front of him
*standing unassisted for a few seconds
*pulling up on anything and everything
*climbing over things
*cruising around furniture and anything that he can hold on to.
*he likes to play it safe and isn't too courageous
*he has started getting cuddley with us at times, putting his head on our shoulder and wrapping his arms around our neck. Makes us melt!
*talking lots of gibberish
*mocking us
*smacking his lips in a really funny way
*his favorite toy is empty Cool Whip containers
*crawls really fast
*he loves for us to stack blocks so he can knock them over
*he's scared of new things, like big new toys
*he walked last night holding one hand, but I don't think he'll be ready to walk independently for awhile
*he likes to be around people and doesn't want to be alone
*he points at everything
*trying to master drinking from a sippy cup

We've come a long way in a year! I have been feeling very sentimental and emotional thinking back to August of 2006. I may write about that more in future posts, but for now I want to focus on the joy of the occasion! We have much to celebrate and be thankful for!

We have a party planned for Saturday, but tonight we'll probably do a little celebrating at home. Max will never remember his first birthday, but John and I will probably never forget it. More to come later on the birthday festivities!
Happy Birthday to Max! What a blessing! Y'all have a great time celebrating! You're right that you'll never forget his very first birthday!
Happy Birthday Max!! You have been such a blessing to all of us and we love you more than you'll ever know! You are such a fighter, and I know you always will be!! You make me such a proud Aunt! I can't wait to see how you will grow in the years to come and the little boy, teenager, and man you will become. I love you to the moon and back :) Aunt Kristin
Happy Birthday, Max! We are so happy to see what God has done in your life in just one year. Praise Him!!!! Praise Him!!!! Enjoy your cake and maybe have a little ice cream, too!
We love you,
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
Happy Birthday! I have enjoyed watching Max grow this year. Your family is such an inspiration and I love keeping up with you via the blog! Have fun on Saturday! That 1st party is so sweet!
Love, Kristy Bird
Happy Birthday, Max!!! I got on your blog today just to wish Max a happy b-day... been thinking about him all morning! So great to see new pictures. You guys really do have a lot to celebrate!
Happy Birthday! We are all blessed by little Max, I can't believe he is one!! Great to talk to you Kel, I miss you! I love you all!
Happy 1st Birthday, Max! What a blessing he is, and such a cutie!! Reading your list, he reminds me a lot of James at 1 year. James is scared of big things that he's unsure about, especially loud noises. I responded to your comment on my blog, btw.
Happy Birthday, dear little Max. We are so glad that this 2007 and not going through the circumstances of 2006. Thank you Lord for Max is a true miracle. Eat an extra piece of cake for us. Love Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Gerald
Happy Birthday, Max! If you think the first year flew by, the second goes even faster! Enjoy every minute! Have a great time this weekend!
Aww, happy first birthday Max!! Happy day to you too mama!!! Congrats Kelly, you made it through mama boot camp! :o) I'm so thankful to God for your family. I wish I could just reach through here and give you the biggest hug! Have a blast this weekend. Do what ya gotta do mama...reflect, laugh, cry, and then praise God for a new year to come!!! Love you guys!!!
Happy Birthday, Max! I love seeing the pictures of Max now and when he was born. It's amazing how much babies change in just one year! Think of all he can do now! It's amazing. Hope y'all have fun on Saturday. Give Max a big hug from me!!!
Love you,
Yeah! I cannot believe he is already one. It goes so fast! Kelly, you are definitely someone I look up to. I know you and John went through a lot last year and God gave your whole family strength. Max is such a blessing. Happy Birthday! I can't wait to see you two!
Happy 1st Birthday to a precious little boy! You are such a miracle Max, we have never met, but we love you and your sweet family!!!
The Kuykendalls
Oh, what a special day! Did you cry when yall sang Happy Birthday to him? I got teary-eyed at Ruby's 1st. They just grow up so fast and you want to treasure every moment. I love that you put his "birth" day pics on their too. Love-
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