10 Months

Max is 10 months today! He has really started pulling up to standing a lot lately. When I go get him out of bed from naps he's usually standing and holding on to the side. My favorite thing that he is doing right now is giving lots of kisses. Sometimes we ask for them and sometimes he does it on his own. It's the sweetest thing.
We knew he was SO close to standing when we saw him! Glad to see he has it mastered :) He is such a sweetie!
He looks so big!! I can't believe how big he is getting and 10 months! Wow, one will be here soon, so will two for me!! Miss you guys! love you!
Awesome little guy!!! And awesome is our God. If only we knew what plan He has in store for us, but then would Heaven be as awesome and desirable if earth were without it's pain and trials?
Bless you and that sweet little fellow.
Teresa B.
Wow - his hair looks so much lighter in that picture and I think he's beginning to resemble you a little (before I've always thought he looked just like John!). What a cutie!!
We definately experienced the kisses from Max yesterday! He is such a flirt!! =) He makes me smile every time I'm around him!!
That outfit is adorable and perfect on such a sweet baby! Love those flip flops!
aww i love that pic!! he is just too cute. wish i was there to squeeze him :) love you!
Kel- I cannot believe what a big boy he is now--and so handsome! He really is a cutie-I am so glad I got to meet him this summer when I was in N-ville! Wow-I was looking at your previous blog-and God is so amazing how he has worked miracles with Max-he is such a normal, healthy boy! Both you and John are wonderful parents also-so happy belated mother's day and father's day. Keep in touch! Love Mer
HOW CRAZY IS THAT???? I cant believe it! We indeed stayed in the SAME condo. We even had the same canopy you all had! What a small world! Adam and I went with his family the year we got engaged and his family has gone every year since, we havent been able to go the last two years, but this year we def. wanted to take Gavin. Love your pics!
Hey Kelly,
Shannon Wray contacted me... said you gave her my blog site address. Talk about a blast from the past!! How in the world did you guys get in touch?? Anyway, made me smile and think of you. If only we could find Alaina now! ha! Max is precious. My parents still ask me how he is doing. My response is always the same: "Perfect. He's a miracle!" God is good. Love seeing Max and being reminded of that.
He is so cute and looks so great-so many answered prayers!
What a cutie! I just love reading your updates, Kelly!
Lisa Macke
He sure is looking more like a toddler and not a baby anymore! You'll be chasing him around before you know it! :) love you!
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