Happy Father's Day!
Wooo, I'm a little behind on my updates. It's been really busy around here lately. We had a very nice Father's Day weekend. We went out to eat with John's family on Friday night and spent the night with them. On Saturday we got up bright and early for a garage sale where I made a whopping $3.50. It so was not worth the trouble on my end of things! Terry and Jill said they had a lot of shoppers on Friday, but apparently, no one shops on Saturday. I bet we had 10 people the whole day. John just wanted to spend the day at home on Sunday (since it seems like we're constantly on the go) so that's what we did.

I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful father for my children. I always knew that John would be a great dad, but he has far exceeded what I imagined he would be.
I would also like to take a second to acknowledge our dad's. We hope they both had a wonderful Father's Day!

On a different note, yesterday when Max was at therapy, one of his therapist came out to talk to me. One thing led to another and she told me that her son had a grade 4 bleed on both sides of his brain. He was also a full term baby (but a twin) and was fine until he was 3 days old. He, like Max, began having seizures and spells where he stopped breathing, they did the CT scan and found the bleeds. Her son has very severe Cerebral Palsy. She said that she looks at Max, and knowing his birth history both from reading about it and experiencing almost the exact same thing with her son, she is completely amazed that he is doing as well as he is. Her son never sat on his own, never walked, can't talk, is in a wheelchair and will always be in a wheelchair. Basically, she is experiencing with her son what I think doctors were preparing us for in the beginning. Once again, it was a reminder to me of answered prayers. I know I've said it before, but John and I will never, ever be able to adequately thank each of you who prayed for Max and those of you who continue to pray for him. My heart feels like it will explode when I am reminded that because of the prayers of so many and our Heavenly Father's willingness to answer them, my son is experiencing health that he might not would have otherwise.
I got a card from someone yesterday and they shared this verse:
"In all our troubles, my joy knows no bounds." 2 Cor. 7:4
I love that.
So sweet is our precious Max. Your remarks are right on target. We are truly blessed. Max has a special Mother and Father.
Nanny Di
When Dad told me what the therapist said I just got chill bumps! When I went to church that night I was tempted to go up front and thank everyone who prayed for Max and his family and thank those that continue to pray for him! How can anyone doubt the power of prayer?
I love the pictures of John and Max and of Max with his grandfathers! He just gets more precious everyday!
love you all, GranGran
I absolutely love the pic with Max and his daddy at the beach!! Hope you don't mind me posting, but I just had to keep up with the updates of your little miracle. God is truly amazing and I'm so thankful that you guys were so blessed. I have kept you in my prayers since I found you and your blog. He's absolutely beatiful!!! Congratulations to both of you on such a fantastic little man!!!!
I started tearing up reading your post. It is amazing what prayer can do. We are truley blessed by God that Max has come as far as he has. I am so proud of him, you, and John. Love yall.
Kelly - I love those pictures of Max and John. You are so right when you say that John is such a good daddy. I always knew he would be. You guys are so lucky to have each other. You and John are such wonderful parents to Max. I love you all! Shauri
Wow, I can't believe how God has worked on Max. I can't even begin to imagine what you went through, but you never gave up and were such an amazing example to everyone. I know I got closer to God through prayer b/c of you guys. I am sorry that you had to go through all of that, but I can't help wonder how many other people got real with God through the uncertain times. All we could do for you guys is pray.
Hey Guys,
What awesome photos. What a legacy, from grandfathers, to father, to precious Max! Above all, what a tribute to what the Lord can do if we only ask. I just get chills thinking about it.
We love getting to share in your life with Max and the joy that he brings. Thanks for sharing!
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
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