What was I thinking...
when I said I had a laid back and happy baby most of the time??? I should have known to never, never, never let words like those come from my mouth. Here lately, it seems that our happy times are quickly turning into...
Eating lunch
Having a super fun photo shoot with mom :) (okay, maybe I understand why he was crying)
Playing after bath time...
Is he going through a yucky phase???
Is he getting more of these...
his gums do look red and swollen.
Or is it simply because...
and I don't want her to get out of my sight! I do seem to be his all-time favorite person right now, which is understandable since we are together 24/7. But he would prefer for me to hold him all the time, which I can't and won't do, and he certainly doesn't want me leaving the room, which at times I just have to.
We do get the occasional happy and sweet moment...
as long as mom and/or dad are nearby.
We are thankful for the few and far between sweet moments that we get. I don't know if this is just a clingy phase that some kids go through, but I think it is safe to say that John and I will not miss it a lot!
***Please say a special prayer for Bill and Lisa as they are meeting with the pediatric cardiologist at Vanderbilt tomorrow. Please pray specifically that God will completely heal their baby's heart before he is born. "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen." Eph. 3:20-21, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3***
Hahaha, Kel these pics make me laugh! I think he got the nose turning red when he cries from his Aunt Kristin, haha, sorry about that! He was sooo good when I was over there the other day. I think it is a phase + the teething personally. He is becoming more and more aware of his surroundings that is for sure! I love you and I hope therapy goes good today!
I love the pictures even if he is in a "not so happy mood." As for a phase -- it probably is and there will probably be many more. I know it is difficult to enjoy some of them; but this too will pass.
Aunt Dana
It's just a season (or a phase) - don't worry...this too shall pass, right?! :) He's adorable, tears and all!! I just read your previous post and glad to hear you guys had a wonderful Easter!!
It's just a phase! This is one of many more to come! Not to discourage you or anything! Ha! Yes, we love them anyway, rotten moods and all! Give him some extra kisses from us. Love, Shauri
Kelly, I stay tuned to you blog often to see sweet pictures of your baby boy and read your uplifting and encouraging words. My little girl, Nora, is 13 months old and would still prefer me to just about anyone...but thankfully, I think this phase is dying off. She is in love with her daddy and when he gets home it is him that she wants. Which gives me a nice break :). You are a great mom!
hey kel,
there's probably a few phases your mom and I can remind you of if you like. ha
love you!!!!!!!!!!!! dad
Okay Kel, those pictures are priceless. Of course I think they are hilarious, but I'm sure if I was there at the time, I might have wanted to pull out my hair:-) I cannot believe how much Max has grown and I still haven't even seen him yet. I check your blog probably every other day to read your uplifting blogs. It is awesome how this site has become an avenue to reach other families in need of prayer. God has worked wonders through your family and little Max. Love ya, Keeley
Kel- I love the pictures. So sweet of you and him reading the book--and I had to laugh at him crying-even though I know it wasn't funny at the time. I am so thankful that God is continuing to work in your lives in so many wonderful ways! I would love to meet that cutie someday! Love Mer
These photos bring back so many memories. Max is so cute, even when he is crying. I do know how this can wear on his mommy though. As others have said, this will pass, but it may hit again. The teething process is tough and sometimes the need for mom is just greater than others. There are days when I still need my mother. HA Hope your weekend is a good one and that Max is his happy self again. We love you guys.
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
Hi Sweetie!
He just gets more and more gorgeous every day! Karie's little ones are absolutely gorgeous too! I think my brother (aka Papow) :)
would agree when I say,good genes!! haha! But, more than that, blessings from God, without a doubt. The teething phase can be rough! Bless his little heart.But, just as others here have mentioned, he will get through it, leaving room for the next one! Heather and Nicole both went through the clingy, "don't leave my eyesight,Mama",stage. It eventually passes as well. As far as missing any of the more "challenging" phases.... speaking from experience, there will come a time when you will miss every one of them. Savour every single blessed moment..even the challenging ones. :) It honestly seems like yesterday when you were wearing diapers...and now, you are changing them!! It doesn't surprise me that you and Karie are such wonderful moms. You both had one of the best I have ever known as an example.Uncle Neil says hi as do Heather and Nicole. We love you all very much!
Aunt Sharon
you really should frame that picture of him looking up at you with his little hand on your arm. That is just priceless.
Love you!
Oh, he'll go through this phase again and many more. Take time for yourself too.
Thanks for stopping by and letting me see all the Kojie babies, makes me feel old but very blessed to have ya'll as friends and see you enjoying your blessings from God.
We so enjoyed getting to meet and hold little Max this morning at church. He is so sweet and cuddly and such a mircle from God. Love, Ron and Sue Phillips
Poor Max! Adalie is usually a few weeks right behind Max on what they are up to and I'm really hoping that isn't in store for us although it does sound sweet that he loves his parents so much! Hope things are better soon but love the pics of his pathetic puppy dog pout!
I love all your pictures! He is such a cutie! I have no advice obviously about the crying, but I am sure your sister will have some! She'll be one of my biggest resources! Love you all.
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