
I have decided that I am going to do my best to let Max cry it out in the middle of the night from now on. This is what the pediatrician told me I should do and some friends and my sister (whose kids all sleep through the night) have suggested. I will say, this is hard for me because at 3 a.m. all I can think is that I want quiet sleep and if I just slide that paci back in his mouth he'll dose off for another hour or 2 before he wakes again. Well, last night before going to bed I fixed up the couch with blankets so that when he wakes up I can lay there and hopefully John can continue sleeping. (How he sleeps through the crying, I'll never know. But I'm happy for him that he can.) At 4:30 this morning I hear him stirring and whimpering and I laid completely still. I so did not want to move from my bed. After about 3 minutes, I never heard him again and he slept until 7 a.m. This is always exciting when this happens because it is so rare. I try not to get my hopes up that we have reached a wonderful milestone of sleeping through the night, but I find myself excited today thinking maybe this is it!
Please pray for baby Gavin today. He is having his 2nd heart surgery sometime today. Also, please continue praying for baby Parker's family. It has been right at a month since he went to heaven.
yay for sleep!!! that is awesome kel :) i love that picture of max! he is getting so strong! i will definitely keep baby gavin and parker's family in my prayers today. love you! give max kisses for me :)
i am so glad you had a better night last night! hopefully you have reached that wonderful milestone! give my precious nephew a big hug for me and tell him that his aunt karie is so very proud of him!
thank you for reminding us to pray for gavin and parker's family.
love and miss you,
Great!!! Sounds like Max may have a few of those genes his Aunt had with regard to sleep. I know it is hard and I would have trouble doing it, but now is the time to let him cry. It gets harder the older they get. Jill was about 10 months old when the doctor finally told us to let her cry until she went to sleep. (You know I have trouble. I couldn't even let him whimper 10 seconds Friday night when Terry and I were keeping him.
Nanny Di
Letting them cry is tough! I'm glad you made it through the night. We did that with Clayton (Greg had to really help me stay in bed and not "rescue" him) and it totally worked after a few nights. It's worth it and Clayton has been a great sleeper since then!
So glad to hear that Max is HOPEFULLY going to be letting get a peaceful night of rest. Good luck with the letting him cry thing, I was never strong enough to let any of my 3 do it, but am impressed by those who can. He such a handsome guy! Love seeing pics of him until we get to finally meet him in person!
Cousin Lana
Thank you for the reminder to pray for Parkers family and the other babies on your list. Good luck tonight with sleep - hope it's as great as it was last night!
YEA! I know your entire attitude changes when you get the sleep/rest you need. I am happy that he might be on his way. My babies were good sleepers, but I don't think it had anything to do with my childrearing practices - so I can't give you any specific suggestions. However, I know Molly and Crystal had to let their babies cry.
Aunt Dana
Keep us updated on the sleep, I know Harry is only 7 weeks but, I hear so many people whose baby doesn't wake up as much as he does. I tried the let him cry it out but, I lasted 2 minutes! He is so cute, I can't quit looking at him, I love it when you update.
Hey Kelly! It was nice to see a comment from you! Here's the website for Mac and Amy's business.
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