Prayer Request for Today

I have a quick prayer request for today. Please say a prayer that Max will do well in therapy today. He normally cries almost the entire time we are there. It's really hard to watch and it's not very productive. He usually does fine with me when I do his daily therapy at home, but of course I'm sure I'm not as tough as Liane since I really don't know what I'm doing. Plus, it's a solid hour of really tough work, so it's just hard for him, and at home I can space it out throughout the day. He also has reflux which seems to act up during therapy. I tried something a little different with his routine today that hopefully will make it better. It's just getting to where I dread going because I know he'll likely cry for the whole hour. We also have been moved to therapy 1x week instead of 1x every other week. If you don't see this until tonight or later in the week, please just say a prayer for future therapy.
**Therapy Update**Well, he cried through all of therapy, but I'm hoping that this will eventually get better. Liane was really proud of his new accomplishment, prop sitting, and he did good with that today. Thanks for your prayers.
Max will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers for today's therapy and future therapy. I think Max is such a blessing and he seems to be doing so well. You and John are doing great with him! I hope to meet him this spring. I want to take a trip to Searcy soon!
It could be separation anxiety when you hand him over to the therapist. Plus he knows the difference between your touch and hers. polly
I am so glad he did well at prop sitting. I believe he will get better at therapy. He does really want your "touch."
I pull up your blog at least a couple of times a week. Ron and I continue to pray for Max. Loved the picture. Ron and Sue Phillips
I'm sure mom needs the prayer, too-to be able to stand hearing her poor guy cry! Doesn't it just tear your heart out!? But I'm sure its for his best. We'll be pray'n for ya both! I love the picture of Max-he's such a cutie!
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