Well, Wednesday night was an exciting night for me. Max slept through the night!!! At least, what I consider sleeping through the night. He slept from 10:30-5:45. I woke up at 5:15 and realized I hadn't heard him at all, so I ran in his room to be sure he was breathing, even though his monitor would go off if he wasn't (I don't fully trust it) and he was, so I very happily went back to sleep. I fed him at 5:45 and was back in bed at 6. He slept from 6:00 until 9:00! It was very exciting and I was sure that this was the beginning of some really good nights of sleep. Max had other plans. Last night he thought it would be fun to hang out with mommy at 12:30, 2:30 and again at 3:30. At 3:30 we had a heart-to-heart talk and I asked him to please sleep a little longer and he, being the very good boy he is, slept until 8:30. I guess if I have to be up in the middle of the night there is no one better to be up with!
We start physical and occupational therapy next week. We had talked about our options and were leaning towards using Easter Seals anyway, but the decision was made very easy for us when they called to let us know that Cabot doesn't have any openings for therapy and won't for awhile. We will meet with them next week and they'll give us a home program to follow until Christmas, then, as soon as the holidays are over, we'll head to Easter Seals every other week for therapy. They'll give us a home program for the in between weeks. I'm looking forward to getting started with this. I look at is as a way to see Max make great progress and I am confident that he will. I am also really glad that we will have an expert pointing the progress out as well as telling us about any delays that he may (or may not) have.
I talked to his pediatrician about how the left side sometimes lays limp. She agreed with Easter Seals, it could be seizures. She also said that it is just as possible that it's not. She will be setting up an EEG to be sure. I don't really think it is seizures, but I'll be glad to rule that out.
One last medical thing. Yesterday his monitor was downloaded to see if there has been any true heart or respiration episodes and the lady told me a little about the report from last month. Max has actually had a few apnea (stopped breathing) episodes, however, they weren't bad enough or long enough to make the machine go off. He has to actually stop breathing for 20 sec. to make the monitor alarm. She said from what she remembered it wasn't a neuro problem, so I think there are a few possibilites as to what these episodes are caused from. 1, he has a really bad cold, so it may be that he has just had a few breathing difficulties with that. or 2, she was very scatter brained yesterday and she may have been thinking of a different child. She said she would call me when she is back in the office, which could be a few days from now, to let me know more about what the report said. Hopefully we'll know more when we see his pediatrician again. I'm not really worried about this.
Now, for a few more things that will probably bore anyone who is not a grandparent or aunt. :)
Max is getting cuter by the day!!! Of course we think every little thing he does is so, so precious and cute. I think he may be getting close to laughing out loud. I don't know when that really happens, but he looks like it could be soon. He is actually enjoying bath time these days. It used to be a time of day that I dreaded, but I think he thinks it might be kind of fun. He likes to kick and watch the water spash. He also kind of plays with his bath toys. They usually wind up in his mouth. Which leads me to his fists. He LOVES to chew on his fists and sometimes manages to get a thumb in his mouth. I don't know how I feel about this - I really don't want him to be a thumb-sucker. It's cute now but probably wouldn't be when he's 4 or 5 and can't break the habit. I'd like to stick with the paci so I can choose when to let go of that. He is reaching out for toys and I think it's more than just his arms waving around and he happens to hit the toys in the process. I think he is deliberately reaching for them and making contact. He seems to have discovered that he has hands and they can do something. One of my favorite things to do is stand over his bed and watch him sleep before I go to bed. The sounds he makes are so sweet. I love to watch him and think about how perfect and innocent he is and how he doesn't know about anything worldly. This is something I LOVE about children and I wish I could make it last forever. He really melts my heart. It's an inexplainable feeling. God has blessed my life so richly with such a wonderful husband and child.
Sorry if I bored you! You can't say I didn't warn you!!! Have a great weekend!
Oh, Kelly, you didn't bore me. Every mother understands what you are saying. They really tear at your heartstrings, don't they? I hate to tell you, but they still tear at the same heartstings when they are 29 and 31, too. It never changes-----and then they add grandchildren and so it continues. What a blessing.
Max is so cute and I know that he will continue to grow and do the things that he is supposed to do. With parents like you and John, he will just blossom.
Thanks for keeping us posted. We love you all and continue to pray for your family.
Have a wonderful Christmas season.
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
Kelly, John and Max,
We have had major computer breakdown the last few weeks. That is why I haven't written. I don't have a cell phone - only James. I thought about calling this morning but he's gone. Why i don't think about it when he's here I can't say! Life has been very busy at school. As a fellow teacher you remember those accreditation visits. I was the chairman of the whole thing! It ended last week - yea! We were so sad we missed your visit the other day. Neither one of us gets home much before 5:00. A few weeks ago we were on our way to Little Rock and wondered if you would be up to visits yet. We don't go often but would love to stop by sometime. We will call first! So thankful for the positive things you are hearing and seeing. The last time I tried to write and the computer failed was when you heard all the blood had dissipated and Max was rolling and holding that head up! I thought of that scripture "good news from a distant land brings health to the bones"! I was so excited for you. Weeks later you are now seeing more changes, more firsts! Praise God! I enjoy everything you write- course I'm a grandma - but I see it through the eyes of a tender, loving mom who is thankful for her child. I remember that feeling so well - and you're right, it is a miracle and an unexplanable feeling! Hope this arrives - it hasn't been reliable. We think of you, pray for you, and love you. thanks for all the updates! God loves you dearly and so do we! James and Diane
Kelly I loved reading this last post. You sound so happy and positive in it and that makes my heart so glad. I admire you and John so much. Yall have shown so much strength and faith throughout the past few months and I know you will only continue to do so. Max could not have been blessed with a better mommy and daddy. God has a special plan for Max's life and it is exciting to see it unraveling day by day. No matter what happens we have to keep our eyes on God and keep in mind that God made him how he wants him. I love yall and thank you for bringing such a precious angel into our lives.
Kel, I love this Blog! It is great to see updated pictures of Max and to get to hear what he is doing! Love, Mom
Ahhh, how I remember what you describe. Treasure those moments. Frances is right - it still happens no matter how old they are.
Max is so precious. I'm anxious to see him. It has been a week. You are blessed as am I.
Love you,
Oh it gave me chills the way you talked about standing over his bed at night-absolutely precious!
Let me tell you, Kelly, that your joy for little Max is a blessing for us to hear. Not only do I understand it, but it is also a reminder to us who have our hands full, to embrace what we have and remember how precious life is. I am so happy not only to see pics of Max, but also to see the light in your eyes when you are holding him. It has been such a heavy year for so many--lots of deaths and tragedy--but Max has been the miracle to watch and delight in, and we are always excited to see and hear about him. I love how he shows off for the pictures--as if he were saying "look at me, God is good." He knows who believes in him, doesn't he?
Enjoy your first Christmas with your baby!
Love, Jenni Chism
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