Today was a very busy day! We left the house pretty early to get my car worked on before the dr. appt., then we went to the dr., had lunch with Aunt Jill and Nanny Di, visited Nanny Di at work, then went to the pumpkin patch to make some fall pictures. By the time we finally made it to the pumpkin patch, it was time for Max to eat, so of course he was having no part of sitting in the middle of a bunch of pumpkins for a picture. By the time I fed him, the pumpkin patch was closing. Oh well - maybe we'll try again another day. We enjoyed getting to spend the day with Aunt Jill and part of the day with Nanny Di.
The appointment with Dr. Westbrook went well. She is very pleased with Max and thought that he looked great. I'm finding out that many of the developmental scales out there do not say the same thing. I told her about the evaluation with Easter Seals and Cole from yesterday. She said that she does not expect him to be doing a lot of the things they were concerned about until he's about 4 months old. She said he really shouldn't be playing right now except for cooing and smiling, he should be tracking some, and he should have better head control around 4 months. She also said that a lot of the exercises that Easter Seals gave us to do aren't really age appropriate right now. He weighed 10 lbs. 8 1/2 oz. (25%) and was 22 1/4 " (25%). Those are both up from about the 10th % when he was a month old. She also thought he was supposed to have an ultrasound when we went to see Dr. Burson (the neurosurgeon) last month. She is calling him to find out what the plan is for Max in the upcoming months. She said that at this time she thinks he can take care of all of Max's needs for his brain and that we don't need to be with a neurologist. He had 3 shots today. You would think with all that I have seen him go through that a shot wouldn't bother me, but it made me so sad to see him hurting. He got over it pretty quickly - probably quicker than I did. Overall it was a very positive doctor visit.
We have had a very busy day and we're both tuckered out, so I think I'll end here.
We keep praying,
I will be praying for Max. I will also be praying for you and John. I am glad that the doctor visit today was positive.
In Him,
Kelly & John,
Everything sounds so positive! I'm so glad that Max is progressing at such a rapid rate. His future looks so bright and I look forward to seeing all the great things he will accomplish in his life. I have truly enjoyed seeing all the wonderful pictures of Max and the family.
Love to you all-
I'm tuckered out just reading the day's agenda. I'm so glad you heard many positives at Max's doctor visit. You all are in my prayers.
Aunt Phyllis
Wow, you sure did have a busy day! I remember when Grant was 2 months old... one outing a day was just about all I could take! Max sure is growing and changing! I love the recent pictures. What a precious smile. I'm so glad to hear that today's visit with the pediatrician was a positive one. I'm praying that you'll continue to get great news with every doctor you see. Love you!
It's sounds like you had a fun, but tiring day! Shots are always hard...about your eval. with Cole...Shelby will be 4 months old on the 28th and she is just now beginning to start to reach for things, and most of the time she grabs them by accident so I really don't think that's a big deal. It sounds like Dr. Westbrook really took her time with you, and that's great. She'll stay on top of things with you. We love you and we continue to pray.
John and Kelly,
Wow - Kelly, you and Max had quite a day! I am very happy that you received such positive news about Max. He really does seem to be progressing nicely. Praise God for that. Thanks for keeping us up to date.
Aunt Dana
I'm impressed. We rarely left the house before Clayton was three months! Max is adorable. It must be frustrating to hear different opinions from so many professionals...I remember feeling so frustrated when Clayton had jaundice and we heard five different opinions on what we should do to treat it. So I can't imagine with more serious issues. It sounds like you have a great doctor...how reassuring! Just trust your maternal instincts that God gave you! He's the real expert!
I am so glad to hear that you've been getting some positive reports. I continue to think of you all and pray for you often. Thanks for continuing the updates. Keep them coming.
Paula Johnson
Kelly and John,
I figured out what I was doing wrong and I now have the blog entered into my laptop. I loved the new photos and the great news from your doctor visit. What I loved even more was getting to hold Max on Saturday, letting him sleep in my arms. There is nothing better in life than holding a precious baby in your arms. You are such awesome parents. Max is a very lucky little boy and you are very lucky parents to have him in your life, as well. God is blessing you all and you are getting to see, day by day, how he is doing that.
We love you all. Praise God for all He is doing in the life of this little boy. Can't wait to see you all again.
Love and Blessings,
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
glad it went well today, Kelly! your picture together is so cute!
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