8 Weeks Old

Max is 8 weeks old today. I can't believe it. He seems to be changing so much - I wish I could memorize every day. I'm afraid I'll forget the cute, little things that he does. He is really smiling big now and will maintain eye contact for quite a while. He is also making a few noises when he's smiling, almost like he's trying to talk back to us.
The physical therapist and occupational therapist from Easter Seals sent us some exercises to do. He is doing pretty good tracking (following an object with his eyes). He can go from the midline out to the side, but will only occasionally track from the side back to midline. One thing we are really working hard on is getting him to raise his head up when he's on his tummy. I usually have to help him quite a bit, but yesterday he lifted it about an inch all by himself. I was so excited. John held him yesterday and was completely reclined in the chair and he lifted his head a lot. I don't know why he won't do it when he's on the floor. I tried to post pictures of this but couldn't get the pictures to transfer from my camera to the computer, so I'll try again tomorrow. I'm not sure if he can't do some of these exercises because they're not developmentally appropriate or just because he can't do them.
We go to the pedicatrician next week. I plan to ask her about when we will begin to see a neurologist. I feel like there has been very little follow up with the bleeding on Max's brain since we left the NICU. I'm also curious to find out if there has been damage done on the left side of his brain like Easter Seals indicated. And I think I was right a few weeks ago about the ultrasound. One of the doctor's in the NICU apparantly did order one because the insurance company called me to ask details about it. Somehow Dr. Burson didn't get the order, I guess. I'll ask about that, too.
Thank you for continuing to pray for Max and our family. Thank you also for the many cards and comments. We have felt such comfort knowing that so many care.
I will try and update again soon.
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12
Kelly, please keep us updated on what the doctor says about your questions...I will continue to pray for Max as well as for you and John. I will attest to how faithful our Father is, and I know a wonderful and blessed life awaits Max. He is SO handsome - I love the new pics! Thanks for continuing to take time out of your busy schedule to include everyone in his life.
He is just precious. I loved the picture with him and your dog. I will keep praying for all of you.
In Him,
What a beautiful smile. Max is so handsome. Thanks for keeping us posted. Know that our prayers will continue for all of you.
We love you,
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
John & Kelly,
Can't tell you how handsome Max is! I haven't been on the blog in a couple of weeks, but please don't think you guys aren't in my prayers. Anxious to hear the answers to your questions. I know you guys must be loving every moment with him, and at 8 weeks you feel the time is flying by, it only keeps getting faster...enjoy every second!
Cousin Lana & Family
hey kelly and john - thanks for the new pictures and for keeping us updated. i'm continuing to pray for max. he looks so alert and energetic and happy! from an ot's perspective, remember that his shunt will add extra weight so it may take him a little longer to be able to keep his head up. and its perfect that he will do it more for john than on the floor - what a great father/son picture! i think he's definitely on the right track! God bless - Ashley Hodge
Cutie pie! Thanks for keeping us updated! We keep you all in our daily prayers.
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