Welcome Home Little One, We've Been Waiting for You

MAX IS HOME!!!!! Sorry it has taken me a while to get on and update. We have had quite an eventful afternoon! Dad, Annie, Daniel, (my kids) and I left for Arkansas around 8am this morning. We wanted to be there early incase they released them this morning. Well, Dr Burson was caught up in brain surgery so finally he said that Max could be discharged without seeing him. They are to follow up with him this coming week. I guess he was pleased with the ultrasound report. They are going to have quite a busy week with possibly 3 different doctors visits for Max, his pediatrician, Dr Burson (his neurosurgeon), and Dr Marks (Kelly's OB doctor that will do Max's circumcision). Bless his little heart. So anyway, Max, Kelly, & John got home around 3:30. We visited, played papparazzi (sp??), and gave hugs and kisses before heading back to TN tonight. We are so happy for Kelly & John and look forward to seeing Max grow and flurish. It is now time for them to bond and enjoy life at home with a newborn. It was hard to leave them but this is their family and how precious it is for them to have this time together.
Thank you for all you have done over the past 3 1/2 weeks, especially your prayers.
We keep praying,
Kelly and John--
PRAISE GOD!! What awesome news it is to hear that Max got to come home. What a wonderful God we serve! He is faithful and hears our prayers.
Praise God that Max was able to go home. It will do him and you all a load of good. He looks at home in his bed. You will continue to be in our prayers!
I am so excited for you all! You've waited for this a very long time. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! We can't wait to see him. He is so cute in the pictures!
Cousin Robyn & family
It was so exciting to see Max in his own bed! We are so happy for you guys and will pray for continued strength for Max.
Robert, Tracy, and Eric Watkins
Thank God!!! I know you guys have to be excited! You all have been through a lot and through your experience my faith has been strengthened. God is good! Enjoy every minute you have with little Max!
So happy for you guys to FINALLY get Max home! Love seeing the pictures, he is adorable and I've never seen you guys look happier! Can't wait to meet him.
Cousin Lana, Stephen, Christen, Braden & Ryan
Glad you guys are out of the hospital and back at home. Max is looking just like his Daddy.
Cousin Andy
YEA...HE'S HOME!!! I'm so happy that little Max has made it home finally and gets to be in his awesome nursery. John, the furniture looks great from the pics, and Kelly, the bedding is so cute. I know that you all are so excited to finally have your cute little man home. I'll pray that all of his checkups with the doctors go great this next week and that he keeps growing and staying strong. I can't wait to meet him and see you all both. I'll agree with Andy that he looks like you John, but there's definitely some of you too Kelly that I see in him. God has truly blessed you all and he does answer prayers. Love to you all.
Cousin Katie
Praise God for his mercy and blessings!
We're so happy for you guys! Have fun with the little one at home!
(friends of Kelly and Karie)
I am so glad you guys are getting to come home! Now the fun begins.
Christy Thomas
Praise God!!!!! He is so faithful! Enjoy this precious gift, rest when you can, and give Max a big hug from us.
We love you,
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
We're so glad you're home! We love you and we continue to pray for you!
Hooray!! Will and I are so very excited for you! How wonderful to be home as a family. God is good and we are thankful that so many prayers have been answered and Max is home with his Mommy and Daddy!
Enjoy that precious baby boy!
Paula, Will, and Liam Arnold
We are so happy for you! Max is a really handsome fellow. Enjoy your new life together.
Praise God!
Marcia and Kayla Miller
This little man looks older than his young 3 weeks but then he has been through so much already! God bless Kelly and John and handsome Max and welcome home. You all are still in my prayers (and everyone else's) all through the days. God's goodness and mercy have surely been proven these last few weeks. How could anyone doubt Him after this miracle child has come so far? This young man is an instrument of our Lord for sure and will be all his days. WELCOME HOME YA'LL!!Love you all lots.
So glad you guys are home. I love the pictures of the nursery and Max looks right at home there. I will keep praying that all the DR appointments next week will be nothing but positive. Love, Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Gerald
Kelly- I am so glad that ya'll are home. Your nursury is beautiful!!! I am so impressed with your sewing and designing. I have been thinking about you and praying for all of you. I am so happy for you and John that you are home and can enjoy being with your cute baby. I can't wait to meet Max. You also look GREAT!!! I love you and will see you definitely at homecoming if not before.
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