Exceeded their goals

Dr Benton said that Max has already exceeded their post op goals for him. He is doing well off of the ventilator and they have already given him a little food through his NG tube. They gave him 10cc of formula around 12:00. Their plan was to give him 20cc at his next feeding (around 3pm), then 30cc, etc. The nurse mentioned the possibility of Kelly nursing at 2:30 but they decided to just give it through his tube to conserve his energy. He is still pretty drowsy from his anesthesia. It took Kelly a little while to get him content when they got to his room. Once he got comfortable on her chest he was a happy camper and Kelly hated to move him. The shunt is more visible than Kelly & John anticipated but the doctor said that as he grows and when his hair grows it won't be as noticable.
We are so very thankful for all of the prayers that you have said on Max's behalf today. Please continue as he recovers from his surgery.
We keep praying,
I added a few pics to the September album of Max post-op
Wonderful news you guys! Baby Max looks so peaceful and content on his mom's chest. Exactly where he needs to be! We are so thankful that the procedure went so well and that Max is resting and doing fine. We love you all and continue to pray for each of you.
What a blessing to hear that he's doing better than expected so early on! The pic of him with Kelly is just precious...he's a special little boy! Thank you for the constant updates - we look forward to hearing how's he doing daily!
Love, The Eason Family
I love to see God work. I am so happy that the surgery well. I will be praying for you guys.
In Him,
We are so happy that God blessed Max with such a wonderful doctor and that his surgery went well. May God continue to bless you all.
Praise God!! What a wonderful blessing it was to read about Max's surgery today going so well. I rejoice with you guys.
THis is a great picture. He's precious! ~Deidre (Mathis) Channing
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Thanks for the updates. I have been out of pocket all day and unable to check in until now. Nevertheless, Max, John, Kelly and the rest of you have been in my thoughts and prayers throughout the day.
John and Kelly,
It's so good to you and your families holding that sweet baby! We are so thankful that everything went well today. Max looks adorable in his outfits! Be sure that we have not stopped our prayers. God is doing great things through you and Max. We love all of you and are anxious to see the three of you at home soon.
Michael, Jondalyn and family
Thank you for keeping everyone updated throughout the day today. I wasn't able to check until tonight but I sent up prayers as I went along for little Max and family. Love to you all,
We are praying for y'all daily and we're so glad to hear how well Max is doing after his surgery. We will continue to pray and lift your family up to the Lord as He continues to strengthen little Max and work in His life.
Zach & Sara Jo Neal
We are so glad to get the news that the surgery went well.
We want you all to know that we will continue to be praying for you and for the continued improvement in Max.
Thank you Karie for keeping everyone posted. We love your entire family.
Reed & Tricia
We are so glad to learn of the good news of the successful surgery. We just want to let you all know we are keeping up with the news, and we thank Karie fo posting this. We love you all, and will continue to be praying for you all and for little Max.
Keep looking on the bright side...
Reed & Tricia
I am so thankful that Max has done so well...you are all in my prayers. Praise God!
Stacy Featherston
For truly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, "Move from here to there" and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible to you. Matthew 17:20
Thank you God for your love for Baby Max and John and Kelly and both families!!! Keep their faith in you strong.
What a blessing Max is a beautiful baby and he is going to be able to tell his story one day as a testimony of God's love for us all.
Sandy P (Maverick)
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