August 27 Evening Update
I talked to Kelly a little while ago. She said that Max's IV came out and they decided to put in a central line into his cord in his belly button. This vein will be able to better tolerate the amount of fluid and the concentration of fluid that Max is receiving. They have decided to try Max on formula only. The doctor is wondering if Max is unable to break down the sugars in Kelly's milk possibly due to some type of lactose intolerance. Breast milk can also be a cause of jaundice (I am unsure why). So while Kelly was really hoping and planning to nurse Max, this would be an extremely easy way to fix the high bilirubin levels and unstable blood sugar without any lasting effects. Please pray that his conjugated bilirubin level will start decreasing. It is supposed to be <1 and his last level was 5.1.
She also said that they have put Max on a bili-blanket. This means that he doesn't have to wear his tanning bed glasses for now. His eyes have been so swollen and puffy from the IV fluids so he hasn't been able to open them. They are now giving him some lasix to remove some of the fluid so hopefully Kelly and John will be able to look into their son's eyes soon.
Max's temp is holding steady at 99.1. His last blood sugar was the highest it has been - 86.
The ultrasound is tomorrow. I assume that they have it scheduled for the morning but it could get bumped if there is an emergency. They said it will take a couple of hours to get the results back once it is done. Please wake up praying in the morning. Pray that when they do the ultrasound they will see so sign that there was ever any bleeding. That the blood will have clotted as it should and that it will have completely dissolved. Also pray that they only see healthy brain tissue. Please pray for wisdom and clarity of mind for the person doing the ultrasound and for the doctor that interprets it. I will let you know the results as soon as I find them out.

My parents saw a rainbow today while driving. "Thank You God for reminding us that You are in control and You have not left us alone. Please give us peace."
We keep praying,
Baby Max and your family were in my prayers this morning and will continue to be throughout the day.
Thank you for the update and pics. Having that beautiful child in my mind's eye helps me pray even harder!
You are ALL in my thoughts and prayers. May you have the blessing of great news today!
Paula Parker Johnson
I prayed this morning for Max's ultrasound. I will be praying throughout the morning.
God bless you with wonderful news.
In Him,
Kelly, John, and Max,
Our prayers will even be stronger on this day for little Max. Our grandbabies are even praying for him everyday. Thank you for keeping us posted so that we know just what to pray for. We do know that God knows what is needed even if we don't know how to ask for it.
We love your all. May this day be a blessed one for all of you.
Love and Blessings,
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
John and Kelly,
I'm sitting here at my desk trying to concentrate on work. Of course, I can only think of Little Max and the two of you. I am praying fervently for his completely recovery. The blog has been sent to all personnel at ADE. I have had numerous contacts this morning telling me how they were all praying for Max. You have given us such a beautiful baby and we love him dearly. God will take care of him and the two of you.
We love you three.
Diana and Terry
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