Address for Cards
Max is doing well today. He was still a little too sleepy to nurse this morning. Kelly was going to try to nurse him again at 4:00 and I haven’t heard how he did. They decreased his phenobarbitol by half and he is now taking it through his OG tube (tube down his throat) instead of through his IV. They are also giving him breast milk through the tube. They will evaluate how he does and if he tolerates what they are giving him, they will increase the amount he is getting.
Now that Kelly and John have processed what the doctor told them this morning. They have some questions. They are wanting to know what he sees specifically in his evaluation of Max that indicates to him that there has been minimal to no damage. Please say a prayer that they will get some clarification and answers tonight. All of the doctors and nurses have been so gracious in communicating with them so I’m sure it won’t be a problem.
I have added an address to the right where cards can be sent to John, Kelly, and Max
Baby Max Julian ~ BHMC-LR NICU ~ 9601 Interstate 630, Exit 7 ~ Little Rock, AR 72205
I want to say a special “Thank You” to Kelly & John’s class at church. I first of all want to thank you for the prayer meeting that you had in honor of them and Max last night. It brought tears to my eyes when I read that there was a perfect rainbow in the sky when you left. What a reminder of God’s promise! It wasn’t even raining! You have also seen the need and taken care of the hotel room for Kelly and John so that they can stay close to Max and have their own space. It has been such a blessing to them and they are so thankful to have that burden lifted. If anyone is interested in helping with that please notify Becky Harris at Sylvan Hills church of Christ.
I also want to thank you all for the e-mails that you have sent me. I am hoping that Kelly and John will be able to read all of them at some point today. I am sorry that I haven’t been able to reply to each of you but please know that I have read them and appreciate each word.
More information when I have it,
We keep praying,
My thoughts and prayers are with your precious family.
Love, Julie McCarroll
Kelly and John,
Our love and prayers are with you. As soon as I got off the phone from talking to your mom James and I lifted our hearts in prayer together for Max and for you. Our God is good and He is faithful...His steadfast love endures forever... We know He will give you the strength, courage, and peace you desire. We can never know all that the future holds, but what a comfort to know who holds the future... I loved reading your journal entry. I wrote the same verse on my bedroom mirror when I was expecting Luke. Hold onto the next verse as well: "So now I am giving him to the Lord. As long as he lives he'll be given to the Lord." In the arms of the Lord we always find overwhelming love, amazing peace, and the strength to believe that " All things work together for good, to those who love the Lord." In his arms Max is safe. May God bless you and keep you ...all of you... for only He knows and understands best all of your needs,
The Andersons
Kelly and John,
What a joy to hear the good news of God the Great Physician hearing the prayers of the Saints and doing a miraculous work in precious baby Max's body and life. Our hearts have been on a roller coaster with you as the news has changed from the day of Max's birth till now. God is weaving situations to make and continue making a beautiful Tapestry of your lives and now of Max's life. He is Sovereign and is always working in each person's life as it touches others. I think of how the joyous birth of your son and then the difficult stuggle that has followed has already been used to God's glory. God is touching so many hearts and bringing people to His Throne--what a wonderous thing. What a delight to hear of your faith in God and commitment to each other--and to know you are giving Him the praise for the Peace that Passes Understanding.
Some verses come to mind that I have kept in my heart for my children. They are from the story of John the Baptist birth and life.
"Don't be afraid...God has heard your prayer.. You will have a son...He will be your pride and joy and many people will be glad that he was born.." Luke 1:13,14
"The child grew and became spiritually strong." Luke 1:80
How kind our God is to let us have children to love in order to get a small understanding of His great love for us.
May He continue to make His face shine upon your entire family. You all are lights in the darkness--a true witness to the lost world.
We love you very much and look forward to a personal introduction to precious Max as we continue to lift you daily in prayer.
Gwendolyn, Ronnie, John and Rachel
Kelly, John, and Max,
We are constantly praying for all of you. We are asking for a complete healing of this precious baby and strength and peace for the two of you. God is listening to every prayer that goes to Him--He is so good and He is faithful to those who love and serve Him.
May you all be blessed today even beyond what you can imagine. Give Max a hug from us and maybe a little kiss on his head. We are so thankful to have a new newphew and can hardly wait to see you all in person.
Have a blessed day.
Our Love,
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
Kelly, John, and Max,
We are constantly praying for all of you. We are asking for a complete healing of this precious baby and strength and peace for the two of you. God is listening to every prayer that goes to Him--He is so good and He is faithful to those who love and serve Him.
May you all be blessed today even beyond what you can imagine. Give Max a hug from us and maybe a little kiss on his head. We are so thankful to have a new newphew and can hardly wait to see you all in person.
Have a blessed day.
Our Love,
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
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