Today was a good day

I want to start off this entry with a huge "Thank You." Kelly and John had an opportunity today to read all of your comments and they were so very touched and moved by each and every word, prayer, and verse that you have shared with them. Each comment was such a great encouragement. Please keep them coming! My plan is to print each of them and put them in a prayer book for them to cherish for years to come.
Max had another restful and peaceful day today. The doctor was encouraging. I will post another list of things we are thankful for and prayer requests in the morning. One thing that was an encouragement to me was the sound of Max's cry. When we saw him for the first time Wednesday night after he was transferred his cry was shrill and high pitched. Today I heard him cry when they were drawing his blood and I was amazed at the difference. His cry sounded so much stronger and like a healthy newborn. Tonight they moved Max from his big open warming bed to a smaller enclosed isolette. While the isolette makes Max look more serious, the nurses assured us that this is a positive move.
I am going to post some pictures so check the family album to the right.
We keep praying,
I just wanted you all to know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers this week. Bryan and I will continue to pray for you and baby Max. He is a precious, precious child.
In Him,
Sarah Sanders
Kelly, you may or may not have a clue who I am, but I am pretty certain we had education classes together at Harding. (I was Deidre Mathis at the time.) Anyway, I found out about all this through the Harding grapevine and had to leave you a message. I am praying for you, your husband, and Max. My daughter, Shelby, was in Baptist NICU last year for two weeks. I know the fear you are feeling, and it breaks my heart. We will be praying hard for you guys here in Searcy.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble...
Psalm 46:1 everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7
We are so very thankful to hear the encouraging news this morning (Sat. morning). We have lifted little Max up in prayers many times over the past few days. In addition, we have petitioned God on behalf of John, Kelly and the rest of the family. We have tried to respect your privacy by not calling directly to John or Kelly to check on Max's progress, but please know that we are keeping up with every report and passing the info on to the rest of John's extended family. They are all involved in prayer on your behalf and praise God for the hopeful news of today. By the way -- he is sooooo cute.
Our love,
Dana & Don McMahon
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