The shunt still seems to be working as it should. We are very, very thankful that it is not what is causing the change in Max. Maybe he's teething, maybe it's withdrawl from the phenobarb, as a few people mentioned, we don't know. It is exhausting worrying about every little thing with him. As my dad said, if he didn't have the shunt we wouldn't even be discussing how he's acting, it would just be a normal baby thing. Thank you for all your prayers today.
We will be praying for Max and for you and John. I am so happy that it is not the shunt. We will be praying for peace of mind for y'all.
In Him,
We will be praying for Max and for your peace of mind. If it gives you any comfort, Clayton also started being really clingy, wanted to be held, cried if we left him alone for anytime, and didn't like to be laid down for naps around 4-5 months. He just didn't want to be away from mommy at all...even Greg didn't have much luck with him. Our peditrician said he was probably experiencing separation anxiety a little early. He's doing some physical things a little late (according to the books which I've decided to throw out the window), but the sep. anx. started early...oh well at least he's advanced in something! So Max is probably advanced too! :)
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