5 months old

Guess who LOVES his cereal now! A few days ago he cried anytime we tried to feed him, yesterday John was feeding him and he couldn't get enough! He was grunting and had his mouth open for more before John could get it to him.

He's also found his feet (with a little help). I hold them up all the time trying to get him to notice them but today is the first time he's reached out for them and played with his toes.
Kelly, he is too cute! I love the picture of him finding his feet! Just adorable! :)
Kelly and John,
I have not been able to pull up the comment box until today. Max has changed so much and I enjoy seeing the pictures.
Aunt Phyllis
Kelly and John,
I have not been able to pull up the comment box until today. Max has changed so much and I enjoy seeing the pictures.
Aunt Phyllis
OOPS!! I published twice.
Yea for baby food and adorable baby toes!!
Outstanding...so happy to see Little Max HAPPY!
Aunt Dana
I love all the pictures of Max, but enjoyed the one he is raising up from his belly. He looks so healthy and strong. I would love to see him and hold him. Haven't seen pictures of him because of the ice storm and no electricity for 8 days. Love, Aunt Marilyn
It is so good to have power after 8 days and to be able to check the blog again. Sorry that you had a scare with Max, but am so thankful that he is doing well. He looks so good to me. He seems so happy and healthy. Thanks for the updates. Our prayers continue.
Aunt Frances and Uncle Bill
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