6 weeks old

"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
I really like this verse. It reminds me that no matter what happens here on earth, when we get to heaven there will be no problems. Max won't have bleeding on his brain, we won't have to worry about his future because his eternal life will be perfect. Baby Parker will be able to hear, his brain will be perfect and he will have perfect health, there will be no more cancer, those who can't walk on earth will be able to run in heaven, there will be no more sickness, no more sadness, no more death. Won't it be great to be there?
Max is now 6 weeks old and I really can't believe it! Time is going by too fast!! I weighed myself this morning and then myself with Max and it looked like he weighs about 9 1/2 lbs now. I'm not sure if my scales are accurate or not though. I think John and I are feeling better about what we heard from Easter Seals. Max may have some higher tone on the right side, but I think he will be fine. We have heard so many positive things about him and he has made so much progress, I really think the devil is trying to make me doubt. He definitely got to me last week. There have been many people who have told us about their children overcoming a bad diagnosis about brain damage, high tone, etc. It has really been an encouragement to me. I remain prayerful that God will heal his brain completely and that there will be no damage from all that he has been through. I pray that he will grow to be stong in mind and body and that most of all he will grow to be a follower of Christ. I ask that you continue to pray these things as well and that you will ask God to keep Satan from making us doubt and worry about the future. Thank you for being such faithful prayer warriors for Max and our family!
I don't know anything new about baby Parker, but I will update if I hear anything. Please, please pray for this family. Their hearts are torn right now and I know they are worried beyond description. Please pray that God will bring healing to Parker and that He will give Angie and Donald (the mom and dad) peace and wisdom as they make decisions for Parker.
John and Kelly,
I love the new picture. He is really growing and is so bright eyed. I'm glad you are feeling better this week and God is lifting those doubts and worries. I have had a good feeling about Max all along. I will continue to pray for all of you and baby Parker.
Aunt Phyllis
John and Kelly,
How cute is he in his jeans and casual shirt!!! I am happy to hear that you are indeed feeling better. Of course, we do understand your "down times" and continue to pray to God that he will be your strength. I observe that you both have great faith and God will provide. One of the blessings of the blog is to let you know that we love and care for you all....and, we keep praying.
Aunt Dana
My mom told me a story about the eagle this morning. She said that eagles have a double eyelid so that when their enemies are attacking, they can fly straight towards the sun and their eyes won't be injured. The eagle's enemy doesn't have this protection so they have to stop their pursuit. There are many comparison's you can make with this, but I like to think that if and when we face any struggle in our life, if we always look to the son (Jesus) through prayer or scripture reading or even allowing God to use our brothers and sisters in Christ to uplift us, our enemy (Satan) will stop his pursuit/attack on us. So glad to hear that your spirits are lifted this week and that you're feeling more optimistic. Max is darlin' and has grown since the last pics I saw!
Dear Julians, We continue to pray for you daily--that precious Max will grow to be healthy in body, mind and spirit. Could tell how down you were last week and am glad you are feeling better and worrying less. God will take care of all of us. Love, Sue and Ron Phillips
I am so glad you are feeling better about Max. You will have those down times about him every now and then. I really feel that Max is going to be a healthy boy. Just hang in there! You all are loved very much and I keep praying. Love, Aunt Marilyn
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