Can God talk though a fortune cookie??

Sorry I am just now posting. We have been at the hospital today and Dad took his laptop home so I wasn't able to post while Daniel was sleeping! Today was a good day. The neurosurgeon never came. We are thinking that when he told Kelly & John he would be in Sunday or Monday, he forgot it was a holiday weekend. They are hoping to see him tomorrow. Dr Benton did come in this morning. He said that Max looks great. He seemed so encouraged at how Max is acting. He said that he looks like an infant that has no problems at all. Thank you God!!!!! He said that the plan of care for Max is in Dr Burson's (the neurosurgeon) hands. Please continue to pray that Max will not need a shunt.
Max's blood sugar has remained stable. They are now checking it every 12 hours. As long as it stays stable they are going to decrease his calories by 1 cal/feeding every 24 hours until they get to 20 calories/feeding. He still has an NG tube. He nurses for a while and they they top him off through his NG tube when he tires out.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
~Max has been nursing more, when he can stay awake! He likes to be close to his Mommy, it puts him right to sleep!
~Max's blood sugar has remained stable off of the IV fluid
~Max did not loose weight today ~ 6lbs 2oz
~Max's temp has remained stable (98-99)
~Max's head circumferance was the same today (36.5cm)
~Kelly & John are feeling peace while caring for their precious son and looking to his future
~Max "looks like an infant that has no problems at all"
Prayer Requests
~That the blood on Max's brain will continue to dissipate and absorb, leaving healthy brain tissue and allowing the spinal fluid to drain as it should
~That no shunt is needed
~For wisdom and clarity of mind for Dr Burson as he decides Max's plan of care
~That Max will remain seizure free as they adjust his phenobarb
~That Max will be able to be weaned off of the phenobarb without complications or seizures
~That Max's sugar will remain stable
~That Max will gain strength and be able to tolerate his feedings so that his NG tube can be removed
~That Max will have no brain damage and will have no deficits from this experience
~That the physical therapist evaluation will go well
I'll update when I know something tomorrow. If I don't hear anything before going to the hospital it will be tomorrow night. Thank you so very much for following Max's story and for continually lifting him up in prayer throughout your day.
We keep praying,
I just had to check this blog one more time before I went to bed. Praise God for all of the blessings that are being sent through Max. Kelly and John, we will continue to pray for Max and for both of you. May you feel God's presence in every minute of your day and night. We love you all.
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
Thanks Karie for your diligent updates. I vividly remember our NICU time and somewhat know how your sister feels. We are fervently praying for Max. Jeff and Paula Todd
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