Afternoon update

Max is having a good day today. The neurosurgeon hasn't been in to evaluate Max today. Hopefully he will be in tomorrow. Max's blood sugar has been stable. They are going to just be checking it once a day now. His little heels needed a break from the needles! He is still doing good without the IV! Thank you God. He has lost several ounces over the past few days but they are thinking it is mainly from loosing the extra fluid and swelling from the IV. John said he took his bottle really well for him this morning. He said he was really awake and alert and took the 1st 45cc in about 10minutes. They tried nursing again this afternoon around 3pm. He was pretty sleepy but nursed a little. I think tomorrow they are going to try to nurse on his time when he is more awake and alert. Kelly is doing so good and is so dedicated. With everything else she is having to deal with it would be so easy to stop pumping and trying to nurse. She is so dedicated to Max. She is such an awesome Mommy already!
This is a picture of one of Kelly & John's favorite nurses. She has been such an encouragement. At the beginning she was very cautious in talking with all of us about what to expect with Max and what his diagnosis meant. She told us today that she is so encouraged and can see such a change in Max over the past few days.

Please continue to pray for Max's brain. Pray that the blood will continue to dissipate so that the spinal fluid can drain as it should. Please pray that there will not be any increased pressure on Max's brain from the fluid. Please pray they will not have to do a shunt. If a shunt is needed, please pray that it will be placed without difficulty and that Max will heal completely without complication.
We keep praying,
Praying for you all. It is so good to see his little eyes. What a precious child of God.
In Him,
It's so good to see these pictures of Max! What a precious little boy! He's truly beautiful!
John & Kelly,
I enjoyed so much the new pictures of Max. He is truly an angel! I can't wait to see him in person. Give him lots of hugs and kisses! They included a special announcement at church this morning for Max. The prayers are continuing!
Love to you all-
Cousin Robyn & family
Kelly and John,
What a precious little fellow. Carlin and I were so tickled to come in from church tonight and be able to see little Max's pictures. What a cutie!!!!
You are each in our daily thoughts and prayers, for your strength and peace of mind, and of course, for Max's daily improvement.
We wish there were some way we could minister to you in a more personal, daily manner; but until there is you have our sincere prayers.
Give Max hugs and kisses from the grannies and grandpas in Lebanon who are thinking of him, and give extra big hugs and kisses to your folks from those same grandparents.
In Him,
Carlin and Teresa B.
Oh my, what a cutie! Like everyone else, I love seeing his eyes. What a blessing this child will continue to be. The news is so encouraging and the pics are great. Thanks to Karie for posting so frequently....I know that's tiring too.
Hey guys! Max is so adorable! We are so happy to hear he's eating well and we look forward to hearing what the neurosurgeon has to say!
Chad, Lindsey, Shep and Rauly Eason
I loved the pictures of Max.That was the first time I have seen those beautiful eyes. Our prayers are continuing. We prayed in our church services yesterday as well as in our prayer group.He is truly our newest little angel from God.We love you all, Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Gerald
Oh, it's so good to see Max looking so alert! He is a little doll! What a cutie-pie!
I can't wait to meet him and hold him. I'm so glad to hear the continuing good news!
We'll keep praying-
Carol and James
this is a comment that i got on myspace from a girl that lives in massachusetts. i just feel like its more and more comforting every time we hear that someone else is praying for yall and precious max. i love yall. give max kisses.
"Hi my name is Renee you dont know me, but i am friends with tracey, i was on her site today and saw that you need prayers for your little nephew. So im going to go to his site and say all the prayers i can, because my god-daughter was in the NICU when she was born too, and i believe all the prayers that she got helped her get through everything."
Max is soooo cute. I just can't wait to hold him.
My favorite prayer time is when Justin prays for Max at dinner time and right before we go to bed.
Love you,
I want to tell you our Bible Class at College Church is praying for you. Kerri B. also sent a mass e-mail out to our supper club girls in Searcy. They are praying for you and Max too.
Max is a precious little boy! He looks so alert and sweet in the pictures. We continue to pray everyday for the specific things you all need. It is amazing to read all of the comments of those praying for Max. God is faithful and hears the prayers of those who love him. I know he will answer and Max will be a testimony to his power!
These new pictures of Max are absolutely adorable. He seems to get prettier and prettier everytime we look at him. I love seeing his big beautiful eyes. We cannot wait to see him in person.
All our love and support,
Timmy and Ericka
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