Morning update

I talked to Kelly a little while ago and she sounds better this morning. Yesterday the exhaustion was really setting in and the fear of the unknown was taking over. She was very overwhelmed. Thank you for your continued prayers for Max and for Kelly & John. Please continue to pray that they will feel peace that passes all understanding and that they will have strength and endurance to get through today. You have all been such an awesome support system through your cards, comments and notes of encouragement on the blog, and most importantly through your prayers. Please know that while Kelly and John cannot visit with you personally they feel your support and your prayers and will forever be grateful. Thank you for continuing to respect their need to not have visitors at this time. Max is staying awake more and they want to be with him as much as they possibly can. When they do leave the room they need to be getting food or rest. I know it is so hard to not visit because we all want to be doing something. Please believe me when I say, you are doing the most important thing any of us can are bringing our precious Max before His Heavenly Father and we are placing him in God's hands. A dear friend, who went through a similar situation with her daughter, likened her experience to opening a present. However, instead of ripping the wrapping paper off, exposing the present quickly, her present was opened slowly and carefully, one tiny piece of paper at a time. Any time a piece of Max is revealed Kelly and John want to be the ones opening it and revealing it. In order to do this, they have to be with him. Also, they are needing rest. When in Max's room they are able to relax while holding their precious gift and bonding with him. The little energy that they have right now needs to be focused on each other and on Max. Again, please know that we are comforted so much at the thought of so very many people lifting Max, John, & Kelly up to God and we beg you to continue.
They took Max for his CT scan this morning and Kelly and John are hoping to meet with the doctors to discuss the findings early this afternoon.
Max's head circumferance has not changed today. They are not checking his bilirubin level today since it has been dropping. They will recheck it tomorrow.
Max was able to nurse off and on for about an hour today. He was still pretty sleepy but what an encouragement that he is getting his strength back. They are continuing his IV but have decreased the concentration of sugar in his IV fluid. His blood sugar has been holding steady in the 50's.
Max's legs and arms are a little stiff today. They have kept him in the fetal position while in his bed so hopefully now that he is waking and moving more he will loosen up. Kelly & John started doing some stretches and exercises with him today.
I'll update when we have the CT results and plan of care,
We keep praying,
John and Kelly, I wanted to tell you about my little 3rd cousin Caden who had multiple seizures as an infant and was diagnosed by a dozen different doctors. One said he had epilepsy, one said he had some metabolic disease, another said he would never cognitively or physically be right, and one said (and this doctor was considered one of the best in the field of neurology)that he had cerebral palsy and would never walk. Today at almost 2 years old--he is only 6 months behind a normal child--and expected to catch up and be perfectly fine. The same doctor who diagnosed him as having cerebral palsy now states that this is not the same child he diagnosed 4 months ago. It baffled him. He was on every prayer list in the country and he defies all of the best medical predictions. The Lord designed this precious child, just as he has designed Max and only He ultimately knows the outcome. Obviously Max has stumped these doctors just as Caden did, and proved that God is the only "all-knowing, great physician." I can't imagine the frustration of hearing so many different opinions--Yet, how wonderful that there is not one that is clearcut and all encompassing--"fearfully and wonderfully made" he is.
our love and prayers go out to you-
Kevin and Jenni Chism
John, Kelly, and Max,
I love you so much! My thoughts and prayers are continually with you.
Kelly and John, we will support you in any way we can. I'm glad mom is there with you right now. I know she will want to respect your space and time alone with Max as you bond and all three of you go through this healing process. Just let her know what she can do and how she can best help.
Dad (Papao)
Kelly, John, and Max,
Our prayers continue to be with you. You sister's reminder that you are opening a little gift one bit at a time was awesome. What a beautiful picture of what God is doing. We are praying that you will be blessed with some good news today and some peaceful rest, with the rememberance that so many all over the country are praying for this precious little boy.
We love you. You are never far from our minds. We hope that you can feel the love, the prayers, and the loving hand of Jesus each hour of the day.
Love and Blessings,
Uncle Bill and Aunt Frances
You don't really know me. I know we met at Harding. I graduated in 2001 and was elementary ed. I just want you to know that through the grapevine I have heard about baby Max. I just now found this blog this week and have been checking on it daily and praying for Max. Your whole family is on our hearts and in our prayers.
John, Kelly, and Max,
I have been glued to this site keeping up with Max's progress. I want you to know that I am praying for all of you and hope that you will be home soon with your new baby boy. I know Max will continue progressing. I pray that God will give you much patience and strength in the coming days and Max's little body will heal. In my prayers,
We're still praying. Enjoy your gift from God.
I've just left the hospital and wanted to let John and Kelly know how good Max looks today. I know God is healing him. Also, for the Julian/Chism clan who have been asking for pictures of Max and Terry, I have personally emailed you a picture. God bless all of you. John and Kelly, we are getting there.
John and Kelly,
You don't know me, but I know you through Dr. Julian. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you two and your little baby Max. You are lucky to have Dr. Julian to assist you in this troublesome time. She is a strong courageous woman who has overcome many troubles in the past. We all admire her so much here at the Department. We know how much she loves her grandchild and the two of you. Just lean on her, but most of all, lean on God. He will take care of you.
Sue James
John & Kelly,
I wanted to let you know that you and Max are in our thoughts, but most importantly in our prayers. I can't imagine how tiring it is for you at the hospital, both physically and mentally. You are so blessed to have so many praying for you and I just wanted you to know that you are thought of here in Florida daily. We love you guys and are praying for Max's health.
Lana and family
John and Kelly-
You do not know me but Max is on the prayer list at Brentwood Church of Christ in Tennessee where Amanda Adams goes to church. Anyway, I have an 8 year old son who at 10 months old we were told that he had low muscle tone and he would probably never walk. I know how shocking and hurtful it is to feel like you have no control but Zack is 8 now and plays every sport you can think of and is just like any other kid out there. Obviously the one thing the therapist did not tell you is that if they were to tell you if you get hurt tomorrow that you would never walk that would probably be right because with adults once you are told that you start believing that but there is no way they can tell a baby that they will never walk because their bodies learn to compensate for any disabilities like that! I know it is frustrating right now but all you need is the power of prayer and that is better than any doctors advice. That little boy has so many people in his corner! May God Bless you three and your families.
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