Exhausting Day

Kelly sounded pretty down tonight when I talked to her. Like I said before they have good days and not so good days. It isn't that they got any bad news or anything today, but you know sometimes it just all hits you at once. I think today was one of those days for her. They met the 4th neonatologist today. To my knowledge it is the first interaction that they have had with him. In seeing 4 different neonatologist and now a neurosurgeon, they are hearing at least 5 different "theories" on what happened and what is causing Max's issues as well as at least 5 different prognoses for the future. To say the least, they are overwhelmed. Please pray for peace and clarity of mind as they listen and consult with all of the doctors. Also please pray for the doctors; that they are able to explain things in such a way that Kelly and John will fully understand. The doctor that they met with today talked about the possibility that Max will have cognitive delays as well. He said there is also a possibility that he will have none. I think this was disappointing. You know, just one more thing to think about. And now we have just one more thing to PRAY about!!! Our prayer is that Max will have minimal to no deficits period, physical or cognitive. While this is just another one of those bumps in the road, we are sooooo very thankful to have Max with us and we are so looking forward to getting to know him as he grows. Please pray that Max will just blow all of them out of the water when he comes back for his "I was in NICU for weeks but look at me now" parties.
I talked to my mom tonight and she said that Max has nursed well several times today. They are still supplementing with formula through his NG tube. Kelly said that they have increased his calories from 24cal/feeding to 26cal/feeding.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
~Max's life
~Kelly and John continue to have wonderful bonding time with Max
~Max's bilirubin levels continue to drop
~Max has nursed well and continues to tolerate and digest his feedings
~Doctors and Nurses taking wonderful care of Max, Kelly, & John
~Overwhelming support and prayers that Kelly, John, and the rest of the family are feeling from hundreds of people, many that we don't even know
~Max's physical therapist's evaluation went well
Prayer Requests
~That Max's CT will go well in the morning
~Max's blood sugar will stablize without the IV
~Rest and peace for Kelly and John
~Clarity of mind for Kelly and John as they hear so much information from several sources
~Patience and understanding from the doctors as Kelly and John process the information they are getting
~That if a shunt is needed, placement will go well without complications
~That the blood will dissolve and be absorbed SOON leaving healthy brain tissue
We keep praying,
kelly, john, max, and family - i just heard about max tonight, but i have already started praying. i was reading today about jericho and thinking that if God can cause walls to crumble with trumpets and shouting, how much more He will do with faithful prayers. i pray that today is one of those "good days." - ashley hodge
I wake up praying, pray in my car and classes throughout the day, and pray when I'm going to sleep. I know so many others are doing the same. Kel I wish I could just give you a big hug. I'm glad mom is there to do that. I love yall.
John & Kelly,
Our God is the maker and giver of miracles. Our family has already been the beneficiary of some of those miracles....and He's not finished yet. So with complete faith that He is able, we pray for a COMPLETE healing for Max. We also pray for your continued strength both emotionally and physically. You all are on so many prayer lists throughout the country. I received a reminder e-mail yesterday that my church had sent out to all members and neighboring congregations to continue to pray daily for this precious baby. You all are not forgotten and the prayers are not diminishing. Keep on keeping on!
We love you-
Cousin Robyn & family
John and Kelly - We check on Max 2-3 times a day through this website and continue to pray for him. We have shared the website with others and asked them to pray for all of you at this time. Twenty-eight years ago, our Brian was a very sick little preemie so we have some understanding of the anxious hours you have been through. As I Linda) read Karie's updates, I usually cry because it brings back some very special memories of watching over a little boy at a very uncertain time in his life. May God bless you with courage and patience. We can tell he has blessed Max with two loving parents. I love the pictures of you holding him on your chests and sleeping. He looks very comfortable held in the hands of loving parents, an image that reminds me we are held in the hands of a loving Father. We send love. On one of our future trips to Conway, I can see we need to schedule a quick stop in Cabot to meet this precious little guy. Jerry and Linda Schwieger
Everyday, my thoughts are with you all. Each morning I look to read news on Max. I know that God is with you all and Max in every step and I pray for total healing. I can't wait for the day when we all get to meet your precious baby boy and welcome him into the family. Our Lord is great and has already given you a blessing and He will bless little Max even more. We prayed for Max last night in our Bible study. Prayers are going up for him all over and it is a true showing of Christian love and faith in God's power to heal. Stay strong.
Love you all,
Cousin Katie
John & Kelly,
We're still praying! I get the KLove's encouraging word of the day everyday and wanted to share todays with you.
"He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak." Isaiah 40:29
Keep looking to God for your strength. I can't imagine how overwhelmed you both are right now. Thank you for the continued specific prayer requests. It's so good to know exactly what you are wanting us all to take to the Lord on your behalf. Love to all 3 of you! Always remember...Keep the Faith!
Hey John & Kelly,
I just got an email from Kristy and she wanted to let you both know that Pleasant Valley CofC is praying for you!
Kelly--You don't really know me, but I teach 3rd grade at FCS and I think I met you in college, I am friends with Jeannie and Carol through Lipscomb. I just wanted you to know that you are in all of our thoughts and prayers here at FCS! We were just talking at lunch yesterday about how we are all continually checking the blog and praying for God's blessings on your family and for Max's total healing. My brother worked with the people at Easter Seals when he was a toddler, and they were amazing! Through them he did all of the things that the doctors thought he would never do! One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Psalm 91, and I thought that v.2 would be a good one to share:
"I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'" Ps. 91:2
Allow God to put a hedge of protection around you as He works out His will for your family!
~Rhiannon Brazzell
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